Karen Gummo string stories

A Journey to Iceland

Drangey Island

Following the footsteps of my children, my parents, my sister, and my great grandparents, I made a trip to Iceland in May of 2015.  It was made possible by the wonderful family pictured above.  They are Audur Magnusdottir, Johannes Dagsson, Flosi and Jakob.  How great was my joy in setting foot on the homeland of my mother’s family.  How long had I anticipated this journey?  I cannot count.  I had provisions and rather new shoes ready to go – Nesti og Nyja Sko!

Icelandic familyHere is a poem created for one of my storytelling performances to pay tribute to my arrival in Iceland.  I danced my way into the performance as I chanted these words:

Tap toe, Fiski Sko,

Tap toe, Lambi Sko

Tap toes wherever you go.

Wherever, wherever you go…

Hvar ert thu ad fara?


Komdu upp, og Komdu down,

Komdu all around the town,

Komdu inn komdu ut,

Here we go all around.


Komdu hjer,  Komdu thjere,

Tap toes, tap toes everywhere,


Tap toes out and Tap toes in,

I wonder what new place I’m in?

Uncovering discovering, recovering footsteps.

And trying to speak Icelandic!

Following the journeys of Ofeigur, Astridur, Johannes, Steinunn

Tap toe, tap toe, – Here I go!

More about Karen